As many of you are aware, the January back-to-back storms in Maine have taken a major toll on coastal properties. The Club, unfortunately, has not escaped unscathed.

As reported a year ago, in the January 29, 2023 Tidings Newsletter, “The septic system leach field is reaching its final days and needs to be relocated from its current precarious location, as the water encroaches during severe storms”. As evidenced in the accompanying photos and video, this prediction has come to pass. The Board plans to repair the leach field damage in order to accommodate use this summer and then begin the design of a new system. The lower end of the path to the beach has been compromised as well, but that should be a fairly easy repair.
The Board and our general manager, Roe Torrisi, are working furiously to ensure the Club is ready to open for the 2024 summer season. Roe has applied to MEMA (Maine Emergency Management Agency) for relief. However, due to the extensive damage along the coast, we have no idea how much (if any) funds the Club will be granted – or how long that may take. We will keep all of you informed of our repairs progress and the financial pressure we will be facing.
Rest assured, The Board fully intends to have the Club ready to open the 2024 summer season on schedule and in operating condition. Check out Club updates for 2024 here