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Long Time Passing

The War in Viet Nam may seem to have been a long time ago, but in many ways it is still with us. This slideshow is the story of long time Small Pointer, John Herrick, one draftee who spent a year in the infantry during the height of the war and how he has been living with that experience in the years since then.

John Herrick was born and raised in Englewood, New Jersey. His local draft board was in Hackensack. He started college at Union College in Schenectady, New York, but in his second year, feeling uninspired, he dropped out to work in New York City for a while. Big mistake. Dropping out changed his draft status and he was drafted in the spring of 1966. He served as an infantry soldier in Viet Nam in the First Cavalry Division from March 1967 to March 1968. The year 1968 was a big year for John: he survived the Tet Offensive; he got out of Viet Nam and off active duty in March; he met his future wife soon after getting home; he returned to Union College and was inspired this time; he was married in December 1968; and he transferred to Boston University. John is still married to Libby 55 years later and they have 2 sons who are both married and they provide several grandchildren for them to dote upon. While in Viet Nam John developed deep misgivings about the war. He has been troubled by the experience ever since he came home. He is a long-time member of Veterans for Peace and has shown his Viet Nam pictures to numerous school and college groups around the country. John had a career as an English teacher and school administrator. He took some time off to start writing his memoir, and then had a career as a counselor. In addition to his Bachelor’s degree in English, he also has an MEd. and an MS in clinical counseling. Not a day goes by that he doesn’t think about the experience of combat he endured in Viet Nam.