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Cocktails, auction participation, and dancing are still a fun part of the evening.


Join your friends and fellow Club members for a celebration of another year of the Club’s founding – 126 years!

In the weeks prior to the dinner, an online auction is planned. “Closets, Collections, and Creative Experiences” is inspired by Louise Hoffman’s retrieval from her closet, a couple of years ago, of two original Bodwell Spinney blueprints. She generously donated these to that year’s fundraiser auction, which were bid on passionately, to the great excitement of the crowd.

This put in mind the idea that we all have cherished items that we don’t have a use or place for any longer – either languishing in your closet or elsewhere. Folks may have collections family members aren’t interested in (Waterford crystal, Aunt Marie’s depression glass?). Contributing to the auction could do two things: find a welcome new home and raise funds for the Club!

Donations of creative experiences (fishing lessons, painting lessons, sailing in Casco Bay, a get-away opportunity…) are welcome donations as well.

Our fundraisers are integral to the ongoing maintenance of the Club not covered by the Preservation Fund. New appliances, sinks, painting, carpeting… the list is endless and ongoing. Members’ dues go toward operating expenses, thus the participation of our members in our fundraising efforts is necessary and greatly appreciated!

Instructions for uploading your donations to the auction website will be forthcoming. In the meantime please search your spaces and capabilities for contribution ideas.