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Speaker Series: Jill Pearlman POSTPONED TO 2023

This event cancelled due to covid concerns. The Club wishes everyone good health “The Spies Who Came into the Modernist Fold: The Covert Life in London’s Lawn Road Flats” Bowdoin Professor of Environmental Studies Jill Pearlman casts new light on a 1934 modernist landmark in London designed by architect Wells Coates for clients Jack and Molly Pritchard. With the gradual opening of intelligence archives in Britain and Russia since the fall of the Iron Curtain, it has come to light that between 1935 and 1942, four [...]

Speaker Series: Joseph Hall

“What If the Morse Mountain Was Not at the End of a Road but at the Intersection of Two?” Bates College Associate Professor of History and Environmental Department Chair Joe Hall, will speak to the contrast between the Native view and use of the land and marshes surrounding Morse Mountain with that of the European settlers. The Bates Morse Mountain Conservation Area is near the end of a long access road which is itself at the end of the state highway that winds from Bath through [...]

Speaker Series: Tom Hinkle and Nim MacFadyen

“History and Ruminations of Small Point” This talk will begin with a reading by Tom from his 2020 book “Small Wonder: A History of Small Point, Maine”. Tom will be followed by Nim reading from his ruminating essays and semi-fictional stories influenced by his life experiences of the “Point”.

Kevin Sudeith: Guided Walk for Club Members

Center Pond Preserve Trailhead 125 Parker Head Road, Phippsburg, maine

Small Point Club members are invited to join petroglyphist Kevin Sudeith for a Phippsburg walk to view his shallow relief carvings of life-sized birds native to the region. Some of you will remember Kevin as one of our Club speakers a couple of years ago. The walk will include a short walk to the main rock at Center Pond, then a bit longer walk to the big piece at Ridgewell Preserve, and will take about 90 minutes. In order to have an idea of numbers, [...]

Speaker Series: Neil Olmstead

“Comprehending Jazz: A Quick and Dirty Dive into Intelligent Listening” In this listening/analysis session, Neil Olmstead, Professor of Piano, Berklee College of Music, will guide the jazz appreciator through some organizational aspects of the music. He will offer tangible listening techniques that can bring one closer to the music, enhance the emotional experience and garner a framework for critical review.  Using recordings and demonstrating at the piano, Neil will share practical tools the listener can use to appreciate the subtleties of jazz.

Speaker Series: Ron Joseph

“A Maine Son: Memoirs of a Wildlife Biologist” Ron will read select passages from his newly published book about the role Ron's idyllic Maine childhood on his grandparents’ dairy farm in the 1950s and '60s inspired him to become a Maine wildlife biologist. It's a nostalgic look of a bygone era of a simple, self-sufficient life without electricity or indoor plumbing. The book also provides a window into an era of the vast, largely unbroken fabled Maine woods—and the hermits, abundant wildlife, and colorful characters that inhabited [...]

Speaker Series: Pamela White

“Haiti: A Poor Country with a Rich History” Former ambassador to both Gambia and Haiti, as well as an on-going career with USAID, Ambassador White’s talk will cover Haitian political and social issues from the 1700’s to 2022. The audience will be given a look into Haitian leaders’ capacities and weaknesses for over three hundred years. Haiti’s fall from being the richest French colony in the world to the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere will also be discussed. Ambassador White had one-on-one meetings with several [...]

Summer Speaker Series: Andrew Milliken

"Conserving and Restoring Habitats for Fish and Wildlife in the Face of Change in Small Point and Beyond" ~   Small Point plays a critical role in the conservation of migratory fish and wildlife species that utilize the network of salt marshes, beaches, rivers, and nearshore waters found here. Understanding the habitats and needs of these species is the starting point for strategically conserving and restoring them throughout the year and sustaining them into the future. Andrew will talk about the importance of collaborative partnerships [...]

Summer Speaker Series: Jill Pearlman “The Spies Who Came into the Modernist Fold: The Covert Life in London’s Lawn Road Flats”

Bowdoin Professor of Environmental Studies Jill Pearlman casts new light on a 1934 modernist landmark in London designed by architect Wells Coates for clients Jack and Molly Pritchard. With the gradual opening of intelligence archives in Britain and Russia since the fall of the Iron Curtain, it has come to light that between 1935 and 1942, four prominent Soviet spies made their home in the building. Her talk explores the reasons why the spies chose the Flats as their place of residence. Based on extensive [...]

Summer Speaker Series: Sandra Horowitz and Bobby Dealy – Saving Monarch Butterflies

Bobby Dealy and Sandra Horowitz were in California and on a whim, visited the butterfly reserve at Pismo beach, since they were driving up the coast. It was a disappointment, but they decided to go up to Monterey Bay where they brag they are Monarch City. When finally finding the sanctuary they were told they were looking at an extinction event. The town commercializes monarchs but does not support the sanctuary, where they winter. This inspired Sandra's two trips to Mexico and research to further [...]

Summer Speaker Series: Ron Joseph “A Maine Son: Memoirs of a Wildlife Biologist”

Ron will read excerpts from his book "Bald Eagles, Bear Cubs and Hermit Bill: Memories of a Maine Wildlife Biologist" published this spring. Copies will be on hand for purchase. Ron's idyllic Maine childhood on his grandparents’ dairy farm in the 1950s and '60s inspired him to become a Maine wildlife biologist. This is a nostalgic look of a bygone era of a simple, self-sufficient life without electricity or indoor plumbing. The book also provides a window into an era of the vast, largely unbroken fabled [...]

Summer Speaker Series: James C. Thompson “The Women Who Romanced Thomas Jefferson”

Thomas Jefferson’s Enlightenment – Paris 1785 follows Jefferson’s life during his five years in France (August 1784 to September 1789), and where Jefferson became an object of interest for two circles of women. The first were aristocrats and intellectuals who circulated in the salons of Paris. The second included mothers and their friends who Jefferson met while tending his parental duties. The women in these two circles all romanced the self-styled “savage from the mountains of America.” Mr. Thompson will focus his talk on four [...]

Speaker Series – John Herrick

Long Time Passing The War in Viet Nam may seem to have been a long time ago, but in many ways it is still with us. This slideshow is the story of long time Small Pointer, John Herrick, one draftee who spent a year in the infantry during the height of the war and how he has been living with that experience in the years since then. John Herrick was born and raised in Englewood, New Jersey. His local draft board was in Hackensack. He [...]

Speaker Series – Matthew Davis

Matt Davis is a marine scientist at the Maine Department of Marine Resources (DMR), and leads the Highly Migratory Species (HMS) program, which focuses on sharks and tunas within the Gulf of Maine. While the HMS program is relatively new at the DMR, it encompasses a number of exciting projects, such as an annual white shark monitoring survey. Matt looks forward to engaging with members of the Small Point Club and discussing the science and status of our highly migratory friends in the Gulf of [...]

Speaker Series – Ben Martens

Ben Martens is the executive director of the Maine Coast Fishermen’s Association (MCFA) where he works directly with local fishermen and working waterfront communities to support sustainable fisheries and vibrant fishing communities. Ben will be giving an overview of fisheries in Maine, what MCFA is doing to a build a more resilient fishing future, and answering your questions about local fisheries and seafood.  

Speaker Series – Tess Chakkalakal: Introducing Charles Chesnutt

In this talk, Tess Chakkalakal offers a fresh look at the life and work of Charles Waddell Chesnutt, the first professional Black American writer. His first novel was adapted for the screen by Oscar Micheaux. His stories of post-Civil War America are as relevant today as when they first appeared in the 1880s. Uncovering new sources, Chakkalakal evokes Chesnutt’s rise as a schoolteacher in the segregated South to joining the ranks of American realist authors. Working as a shorthand reporter, lawyer, and author, Chesnutt published six [...]

Speaker Series – Dale Arnold

A report in the Boston Globe described Dale Arnold: "A versatile broadcaster, Arnold is the only person to have called play-by-play for five Boston professional teams (Red Sox, Patriots, Celtics, Bruins, and Revolution)". Dale retired from broadcasting in April of last year. Dale is a native of Brunswick, ME and a graduate of Bowdoin College. He has retired to his hometown and has written several books, including "If These Walls Could Talk: Boston Bruins" and "Tough Guys: Hockeys Enforcers - on wild brawls, high stakes, [...]

Speaker Series – Susie Arnold, Island Institute’s Senior Ocean Scientist and Director of the Center for Climate and Community

As Director of the Center for Climate and Community at Island Institute, Susie works on the impacts of climate change and ocean acidification on marine resources and fisheries-dependent communities. Her current areas of focus include working with fishermen to diversify their businesses to include shellfish and seaweed aquaculture, researching the environmental benefits of farming edible seaweed, and helping coastal communities better understand the implications of sea level rise so they can make informed adaptation decisions. Susie earned a masters degree in Marine Policy and a [...]

Speaker Series – Lynda Doughty, Founding Executive Director of Marine Mammals of Maine

Lynda has led marine mammal response organizations for many years. She is the founding Executive Director for MMoME since 2011. Born and raised in Maine, Lynda always knew she wanted to work with helping marine mammals. She has provided care for thousands of animals, has opened Maine’s first seal triage center, and looks forward to providing more for marine mammals in Maine. Her work has involved conducting whale necropsies, disentanglement, population studies, marine debris projects and sterning on lobster boats. Lynda was recognized by Portland [...]