New Season Refresh Sale

Cash, check or credit card at time of purchase, please.
As a Small Pointer you likely know The Club’s rubble sea wall and septic leach field suffered serious damage during the back-to-back January storms that rocked our coast, and… while we are considering safer places to rebuild the field in the future, work is underway now to be sure repairs are complete in time for The Club to be ready for the 2024 season.
This year’s repairs will likely exceed $5,000 – […]
yes I want to donate art!
THE GREAT SMALL POINT ART FLUSH is coming up fast. Spearheaded by Doug Foltz, Club organizers are planning a virtual Art and Craft Auction for the SOS “Save Our Septic” Repair Fund. Submission deadline is March 15 for photos of your creative works. The Auction runs online the full month of May, similar to our virtual auction during COVID. 100% of the auction proceeds go to the Repair Fund.
Work is underway now […]
As many of you are aware, the January back-to-back storms in Maine have taken a major toll on coastal properties. The Club, unfortunately, has not escaped unscathed.
As reported a year ago, in the January 29, 2023 Tidings Newsletter, “The septic system leach field is reaching its final days and needs to be relocated from its current precarious location, as the water encroaches during severe storms”. As evidenced in the accompanying photos and video, this prediction has come to pass. The Board plans […]
Happy New Year, Club Members!
The Small Point Club celebrates its 127th year as a place for our community “to own and maintain a club house for our mutual social intercourse.” In short, the Heart of a Community. Read on for 2024 updates on BnB reservations, Membership dues, Events at SPC, etc.
Storm Note: Our leach field and stone wall suffered damage. However, The Board has ensured the Club will be ready to open the 2024 summer season Memorial Day weekend in operating condition. See storm details […]
All Summers must come to an end! To our members ~
Thank you from the Board, General Manager Roe, and the entire staff for a successful season. Even with the challenges of weather and staff turnover, members were cheerful and understanding. This contributed much to the Board’s mission to provide a place of relaxation and social engagement from a beautiful vantage point. This will be the final weekly Tidings for the 2023 summer season but look for the occasional Tidings wishing you all well and keeping […]
Many of our members have requested a vehicle to give thanks to our amazing staff. The Board is establishing a Christmas Fund for this purpose. Contributions can be sent anytime between now and early December.
Mail a check with the memo “Christmas Club” to:
P.O. Box 352
Bath, ME 04530
~ or ~
Email Roe at and she will create an invoice so you can pay with bank account or credit card.
Contributors will be listed on […]
The SPC Board wishes to remind members that they may sponsor non-members who wish to use the Club for their wedding venue.
June and September – or even early October – are […]
Another fun celebration of the annual Labor Day Weekend Whiskey Sour Party was held Sunday, September 3. Being high tide, the event took place on Little Beach (thank you Miller family!), which was appreciated by attendees as a lovely location!
Winners were chosen for best recipe and best presentation, with all entrants scoring many votes. Liz and Tim Mitchell were repeat winners in the best recipe category (with a new cherry-based twist!). Presentation winners were Peter St. John and Jared Lauer, who used an Isaiah’s […]
What a Summer!! I didn’t know what to expect when taking this assignment. it’s been an exciting and challenging season; we got through but not without the extraordinary help from my staff including our wonderful interim chefs Nancy and Ned!!!
The membership and the Board have been a great support as I called on them for guidance and direction. What a special place I’ve landed in!!
Thank you all for a wonderful first season, enjoy the rest of the year.
Roe Torrisi