I believe pots are vessels of relationship, between families and friends, people and our modes of sustenance. With the context of these domestic relationships in mind I make my work and give each piece it’s own character that is deep and dynamic. My hope is that over time and continued use a relationship with each pot can form and the vessel’s contents will include residues of laughter, heartbreak, and the warm peace of home.

I use some local materials; clay dug from the hills, ashes from a freind’s wood stove, and crushed sea shells from the beaches of Mendocino. I fire my work in wood burning kilns and through the process of firing form a glaze surface by accumulating wood ash on the pots and melting it into a glass. It’s a traditional process that takes long hard work but in the end I’m more proud of the results because I can feel in my body the energy it takes to turn clay into stone and wood into glass. Ceramics fired in this way tell a story, their surfaces are paintings, tracing the path of the flame. The colors are created by the clay and wood-ash and never will two pieces be the same.

 When I was a kid in Coastal Northern California, if you asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up I would either say a Geologist or an Architect. I could never commit to one or the other for more than a day. A few years ago I realized that I found a way to do both as a Ceramic Artist. I now live in Mendocino and run the Ceramics program at the Mendocino Art Center. I teach ceramics, make my art, and enjoy this small coastal village which was settled by Portuguese fisherman relocating from the East Coast and often reminds me of Small Point. The light, the weather, and the architecture, though not the same, carry some kindred spirit to that Mid-Coast haven that has tied many of us together for generations. I do hope you enjoy the work and please reach out to me with any questions regarding pricing and orders. The pieces photographed here are a small sampling of what I have and I’m more than happy to send more specific photos, details, or photos of other works to anyone who is interested in purchasing work.

Email : Ianhb14@gmail.com
Instagram: @hazardous_pots
Website: IHBCeramics.com

Click any painting to view gallery of large images. Within the gallery, click the square icon upper corner for full screen

Holey Bassinet (Black) $650
Holey Bassinet (Light) $600
Cosmic Bassinet $750
IHB Bottles $150 each
Bottles $120 – 150 each
Skyline Tumblers $60 each
Skyline Teapots $120 – 150 each
Skyline Mugs $50 each
Skyline Diner Mugs $45 each
Skyline Pitchers $120 each
Stone Mugs $65 each
Stone Goblets $55 each